52 Peaks Challenge

Peak 1: Devil’s Rampart

I headed off to the mountains near Lewis Pass for the first of the 52 peaks this weekend; The Devil’s Rampart (1740m).

Being the first peak in the 52 Peak challenge, I wanted it to start with a bang and in stunning weather. It totally came true, it was beautiful weather (30C+) and there was barely any wind in the valleys; nor on the tops. After picking past Nina Hut in a couple of hours, we continued onto Devil’s Den Saddle Bivvy which was where I started my peak attempt.

I headed off to the mountains near Lewis Pass for the first of the 52 peaks this weekend; The Devil’s Rampart (1740m).

Being the first peak in the 52 Peak challenge, I wanted it to start with a bang and in stunning weather. It totally came true, it was beautiful weather (30C+) and there was barely any wind in the valleys; nor on the tops. After picking past Nina Hut in a couple of hours, we continued onto Devil’s Den Saddle Bivvy which was where I started my peak attempt.

Sadly there wasn’t enough time to complete the whole route before dark, plus the rocky route was pretty rough with the low light level… but I did manage to complete the lower peak at over 1500m above sea level. Not bad after an 8 hour scrambling hike through roots and river crossings.

The Lewis Pass is an area of New Zealand that I’ve not yet really discovered, I’m sure I will do in due course as there are literally hundreds of peaks nestled here between Hanmer Springs and the West Coast.


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